Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Email Marketing-How To Create The Perfect Sales Letter

Email me

The Secret...

The big lucrative secret to creating the perfect sales letter, is but multiple amounts of small tasks which are all essential to accomplishing the perfect sales letter. In the beginning, assuming that you experienced this already...your sales letter produced a 2-4 % conversion rate. The art of gaining credibility, will dramatically raise this stat along with improving your sales letter through experience.

Effectively Writing your Sales letter

Good writing skills, personality, and the ability to act are all essential attributes to construct the perfect sales letter. I recommend your sales letter to be long and informative. The type of customers you want are patient and have the willingness to observe your products. Futhermore, the width of your sales letter should only be about 70%-80% of your computer monitor. Stretching your sales letter from one end to the other, not only looks unprofessional but it shortens your sales letter. Additionally, your sales letter color scheme should be a traditional white background with black texts and there should only be a single page not a second or continued page in your sales letter. Your potential customers focus is essential, distracting links such as google adsense or a faq link should not be included in your sales letter.

Creating Attention Grabbing Headlines, and Customer Relations

If possible present only your pay button and nothing else in your sales letter. Unfortunately, a large portion of your visitors or prospects will not buy your product. Create or allow your prospects an affiliate link, which makes them a profitable customer by advertising, and exposing your product to other people. Headlines and sub-headlines are essential, remember to reframe from overusing capital or bold letters in your headlines. Format a few important selected words while making sure these word are meant to grab your visitors attention so they'll want to read on.

The hook or sub-headline of your sales letter, should encompass a summarized version of your sales letter. Enticing your prospects to act now. Your job here is mentioning the benefits to your prospects, to read on. Your introduction job is to present a problem your prospects will be facing, followed by your products solution(s). Address your prospects as a specific group involving or describing a problem there are facing. For example, if you are trying to sell radios then say something like,"Hello fellow musicians."

Why to Sell your Products Solution

Connect, and create a feeling of involvement when writing your sales letter. Perhaps even more important, is to mention the profitability or benefits of your product, as well as what form or features makes up your product. (Physical or Digital) As an added bonus, provide master resell rights to your prospects so they are aware of the profitability they can make in the future after purchasing your product. Believe it or not, selling your product is a mistake. Selling your products solution is whats more important, because your prospects want to know what solution your product is providing...They don't want the product for the product, but rather the solution that your product provides them.

Terms to use...and Terms not to USe

Limit the use of the word free. Free is no longer a hot button, because anything labeled as free, usually people are aware or think not much profit or money can be acquired with your product. Personalize your sales letter with 12 of the most proven persuasive words on the internet. Because people are non-risk takers, to overcome this issue using these words effectively throughout your sales letter is essential.

and save

Now you've heard the expression, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words don't mean a thing." That doesn't apply here, words are powerful tools in your arsenal. As for the sticks and stones...well dodge them...

Here are some common words you should not use...with there alternatives

Sell, instead use the word help or acquire.
Monthly fee, instead use the word monthly investment.
Cost or price, instead use investment or amount.
Buy, instead use the word own.
Deal, instead use the word opportunity.
Problem, instead use the word challenge.
Cheaper, instead use the word more economical

The words I just provided you with, provide your prospect with positivity, allows them to feel involved and the secure feeling of a worthwhile investment.

Finally your success depends on you providing the answers to the following questions:

Why should I trust you?
Why should I buy now and not later
Why should I buy from you? and What is the level of your credibility?
How can your product or service help me?
Why should I purchase your product or service? Why not other peoples?
Why should I pay the price you ask?

Answering those six questions, will perfect your sales letter an additionally provide you an opt-in list that will block out the sun...

To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente

Learn How to Manage your List with ease!


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Thursday, May 22, 2008

How to Build a Opt-In List that will BLOCK out the SUN!

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OR leave a Comment on Blog Posts.

(Click here to READ continued versions)

Your Goal...

Do you realize the people on your list are not necassarily considered your customer. Prospects is the best term of us to describe them, because they have to purchase a product or service from you in order for them to be label as so. Converting prospects to valued customers should be your goal.

What to do before Emailing your List

Brainstorm and think about what is it you want to accomplish before sending your prospects an email. Are you attempting to get them to sign up for something. Maybe you want them to tell a friend about your services... When emailing your list, explain who you are, what you want, why your prospects should care about this email, what is in it for them and finally what they should do now. An email resulting in prospects guessing is considered a failure. Answer those five important questions above, and your 75% there already.

How to Email and introduce your product to your Mailing List

Email your newsletter to your prospects at least once a month during your advertising campaign. Then twice a week email your prospects your recommended products or services, you can even provide incentive by issuing a coupon that will save them money on there purchase. Which can also be just an added bonus, while your product or service your providing them is free. There's know end to what you can create.

Common Mistakes to avoid

A common mistake perhaps you yourself did when you were my ages, you know the good old days. When emailing your prospects, you are saying there name to often. When creating your email, construct it as if you are the one who will be receiving the email. Write your emails from your prospects point of view, and get them to act now or else they will continue to delay...

What the Objective is when emailing your list, and How to write effective subject lines that are Enticing

Be mindful that the main objective of an email is to get your prospects to click on a link. Don't use subject lines that reveal any part of the content in your email message. The subject line should be believable, something like "Get a million dollars " or "Get your adwords ads seen, without paying." Even if it's true, your open and click through rate will suffer. Entice your prospects...inciting hype or telling your life story will get you trashed. Email marketing has grown 14.6% from 2002-2007, meaning people and companys are beginning to understand the marketing potential of email marketing.

The Return Profit of email marketing, and how to build traffic

Email marketing provides the best return profit, which on average every 1 dollar spent. You'll receive an amazing 57 dollars return profit, imagine the profit you'll gain just by investing 2 dollars, 3 dollars or even 15 dollars. Utilize your existing traffic, therefore you are aware of what tactics are driving your visitors, prospects or customers continued visits to your website and what strategies aren't. Repeat the successful process with your future traffic, and this normally will solve the 20 to 80 hits to your website.

How to increase your chances of being labeled as a spammer, and stop your emails from ending in the Prospects Bulk email.

Be mindful when capturing your prospects email, because there what we call spam bots, which search for single opt-in forms. Which they then proceed to sign up for your email newsletters, so when you send the spam bot an email you get caught into the spam bot.
When emails go out, any email that arrives at that spam trap address. Gets you caught into the spam filter. This is why I recommend using a double opt-in, which partially resolves being caught in the spam filters.

The Importance of sending your prospect relevant information

When a prospects opts-in, be sure to email them relevant information or your message is considered spam. For example, lets say prospect opts-in to receive your newsletters, but you email them about a product or service your selling this is considered spam. The prospect did not agree to receive this email, so into the bulk it goes and they delete the message.

How to increase Conversion rates, in your future marketing campaigns by using segments

When your selling products, or a service even. You want to use segments, which are gathered information on the activity of each of your prospects click stats for the product or service you're providing them with. Use this method to track your marketing campaign, kind of like the split testing concept. For example, did more of your prospects click link a, or link b. If link b, that product or service should be right at the top of your emails during your future marketing campaigns.

In doing so, you will increase your click through rate by 25%, and your open rate by 55%.

To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente
Email me at:
Marketing Consultant


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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Testimonial Magic- the Art of Credibility

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Is a testimonial a statement written by your customers broadcasting how great your are? no. Although your establishing trust among your prospects, there interests resides in your products solution. Your testimonials should mention results of the benefits of use from your products or service. Additionally providing your customers photos, full name and city, state, country and with permission provide there website url and contact email address.

How to Obtain vital Statistic by rating.

You may also allow your visitors to actually rate your testimonials, this is of course optional. I'm going to incorporate it into my testimonials in the near future. Because you can use the stats you gain from ratings on a scale from one to five, and with this information you can tell if your visitors view you and more importantly your product. As being credible, and your able to view what kind of testimonials your prospects want to see.

Magically watch as your credibility undergoes amazingly dramatic increases in sales, because your prospects are now aware how pleased your customers are who benefited from your products solution.

How Many Testimonials should you provide on your sales letter?

Naturally we are all human, prospects require a reliable source to fix the problems they are facing. Leave no doubt in the minds of your prospect that your products solution will fix there problems, by providing a sea of testimonials in your sales letter. To increase your conversion rates even more, obtaining quality endorsements from top names in your niche will 100 percent convince your prospects your products solutions is credible.

How to Collect Testimonials from your customers, friends, etc...

Collecting testimonials is the fun part...Getting your hands on influential peoples email, and politely asking them to provide you there testimonial. After enjoying a sample or trial version of your product, can be the best option to collect credible testimonials. Provide incentives or rewards, by hosting contests for the best written testimonials in exchange for publicity or some type of reward.

You can also give a sample or trial version of your product to friends, co-workers etc.. Another way to collect testimonials is through forums and groups involving your topic of interest for your product. Then providing after establishing a relationship, and providing them a sample or trial version of your product in exchange for a testimonial. If they enjoy the benefit of use from your product, they'll provide there honest testimonial.

Establishing testimonials will not only have your competitors on there knees, but link popularity in search engines will result as well my friend...

To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente


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Email Marketing-Using Autoresponder For Effective Customer Relations

Using AutoResponders to build relationships with your list

Ushering in on great focus for your internet business results in separating yourself from the casual users. Email autoresponders range in numerous forms and cost. This is a powerful concept and is a requirement for consistent, quality customer relations. Email auto responders are the result of an email sent to a special email address, instructed and automated to faithfully reply to a message using pre-stored or sets of messages written by an owner. Their are know hidden secret to the art of returning visitors, but if their was using autoresponders to build a happy clientele and building relationships would be it.

What AutoResponders should be used for

Even more important is building a mailing list of people agreeing to be advised on a topic of interest. Also known as an opt-in mailing list, building a list can be done in several ways. An automated email list programs, built on turn key solutions is usually the tools of choice for building an opt-in list. Autoresponders range in use from general information, building an opt-in list, following up with visitors, multi-part courses, basic sales, and customer support.

What a WebHost autoresponder is.

Your first step in success online, is obtaining your own website focusing on a sub-niche category of interest to you. After purchasing web hosting, provided to you is a automated program essential to building customer relations and a personalized atmosphere for your visitors.
Autoresponders, web host autoresponders services provide unlimited amounts of autoresponders, unfortunatly they are limited. Web host autoresponders are only able to send a single automated, pre-written messages, they have know mailing list capabilities, or follow ups. A server, which is a computer device which manages your network. For example, a file server is a storage device instructed to store files on your computer. Other examples include network servers, whose primary task is to manage your network traffic. An finally, there is the database server, which is a computer system that processes requested information from a database.

Your server declares any address in the formatting. name being the description you've chosen for your autoresponder as an autoresponder address. Any email going out to this particularly formatted email address, can be automated to immediately respond or reply to a message if the individual owner of the website has instructed it so.

The Number One Skills you must Develop, and WHY?

You've probably heard this quote quite often, "Every list starts off with one subscriber." The number one skill you must develop, and get an in depth understanding of is how to sell. Any ads you've come across stating,"no selling required" simply is usually completely untrue. On the daily bases how are professionals able to charge high service fees, while simultaneously receiving the amount of money they've asked for if not for there ability to sell. Your millionaire idea or product has zero value if you don't possess this special skill, because you can not turn your idea or product into money-producing assets.

The good news is the internet provides many resources instructed to increase your sales, as well as any money-producing assets. Autoresponders could be labeled as perhaps the most effective resource, to increase with your idea or products.

So what is the blueprint to increasing your sales using email autoresponders to your opt-in mailing list?

An excellent question...Well initially your first message to your subscribers should encompass a 500 or so word email, explaining the benefits of your product or service. The message should be short, and should result in the majority of your sales to your list. Your second message should be a situational message leading to why your product or service is needed. Cap it off with how your product or service, adheres to th needs of your subscribers. For example explain what type of person or audience, your targeting to sell your product or service to. The third message should show your subscribers how to use your product or service, along with the tools and marketing material your be providing.

The fourth message should detail things such as complimentary products or services you provide, and or explaining your shipping method or key benefits off your service.

The fifth message should invite prospects to asks questions, simultaneously providing them with several ways to contact you including hours and time zone. This message should end with questions most often asked by your prospects. The sixth message should list several of your best testimonials from satisfied customers which should be believable.

The seventh and final message should reiterate your product or service best features. Add your best testimonials, and lastly your contact information...

To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente

Here's a Product that everyone on planet earth needs at this point in time...For our future...allow the world or your community to pay a tail away price at the pump(at least 2-3$ less per visited o the gas station!) Additionally dramatically decreases the amount of harmful emissions in the air for a brighter future for your children.

Discover HOW Our Product Will Provide a More Economical Price at the PUMP


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Friday, May 16, 2008

How To Build a Opt-In Frenzy

(Continued from: How to build an opt-in list that will block out the Sun)

How to Build your Website, and how list building can allow you to know the wants and needs of your Prospects.

Tell me if you've heard this before, the money is in your list. Building your profitable opt-in list, is a long process. The first step is to have a website. Your website should provide numerous navigational features for your visitors. I highly recommend having your sign up box, postioned on the top of every page. Building your list allows you to find out what people want or need in your choosen niche.

Reasure your prospects, and How to find a good topic for your newsletters

Provide incentive along with a concrete privacy statement reassuring your potential customers that you will not sell,rent or abuse there email address in anyway. Next you want to find a topic for your list, in which you are passionate about. I recommend writing a list on topics that you are interested in, or that you know or are an expert of. Label each topic with a problem that it's facing, and narrow it down to the most profitable niche.
You can find out which niche is most profitable by simply inputting topics keywords at If for example when you type in the keywords and you see a one out of 1 million results. But another keyword topic results in a one out of 50 million, you'll then realize that the conversion rate of the second option is greater. Thus more profit...

Providing Incentives, and how to come up with Content for your subscribers. If your unable to Find one on your Own.

When creating your newsletters, it is important to provide your list an incentive. A free product related to your topic like a report, in which you can create yourself. Private label rights are another option especially if your experiencing trouble with coming up with your own content for your newsletters etc... To find private label rights, on your topic go to then type in your topic for your newsletters, and end it with private label articles. For example, if your topic for your newswletters is dogs, then type in dogs private label articles and you should find many articles on your topic. What private label rights are is basically being given the right to edit and/or resell products like ebooks, in your name. Private label right is an excellent strategy for listbuilding.

How to create your Landing Page, and the importance of your ads description

Next is creating your landing page. When someone clicks your ads, the page that results is known as your landing page. For a dramatic increase in conversion rates, be sure that the call of action of your ads resembles or are simular to the call of action on your landing page. Why? because your visitors click on an ad based on description of a topic that interests' them. When they realize the description doesn't match the landing pages content description. They will then proceed to the crisscross, red icon on the top of there browser resulting in know conversion.

Should Testimonials be apart of your landing pages

Then perhaps the most important aspect of your landing page is, the art of testimonials. Testimonials should definitely be apart of your website content. Because people want to see believable proof that your website is concrete an in some way profitable to them. Testimonials are most effectively postioned by relevant ads on your landing page, about a specific part of your product or service. For example, the tools you provide, resources, marketing material etc...

How to Write to your list, and why you shouldn't put other links on your landing page.

Entice your visitors by using second person language. For example, "We invite you to..." instead of sounding demanding by saying,"You should go to..." or "go to...because" etc... In doing so, your conversion rates will climb once again. Also make sure the only way off your landing page is the opt-in link, or the red crisscross button on the top. Why? because taking your visitors to a different area of your website, makes it less likely for them to convert. So if possible, display as little amount of links off your landing page. I recommend setting your landing page up, so that the can view other parts of your website. But without leaving the landing page.

Now that we've wrapped this present up. It's time to put on the bow...using autoresponders programs for turn key solutions. Autoresponders allow you to for example, set up your email newsletters to be automatically sent to your list without lifting a single fingure.

To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente
Email me at:
Marketing Consultant

Now that we're all Wrapped up, it's time for you to GET YOUR PRESENT


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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Are YOU Relevant?

Are You Relevant???

How are your lives? We'll I hope to Better them Now...Almost every marketer, or successful individual on the internet says you have to be an Innovator. You have to distribute, supply, and create a product or service that is in demand. And make it so your customers believe you are the best and only option for that product or service.

Something that is important to your online success is, you have to brand yourself first before your business. Provide free helpful, useful information to your customers or who ever you come into contact with. This creates the also important credibility, credibility will set you apart from the millions of people you have to compete with on the internet.

The product or service should be your own idea, not a product or service that is built off another idea. As a entrepreneur your success depends on creating, or developing and building a structure or foundation in which you yourself are passionate about. A common mistake that many people have is there creating there website for themselves. This is a mistake, you are taking in no consideration of what your customers want and how they will react to your website content. Your website content is most important for search engine optimization. Ranking high in the top search engines mainly has to do with the quality, and the quantity of your website content. Your focus should be on establishing pages of pages of quality content, hung around your choosen niche using keywords for your titles and descriptions for top search engine ranking.

Ideally a seventy-five to eighty-five page wedsite should do find. Your website content should focus on everything having to do with your niche. Thus bring free search engine traffic to your website.

We are all defined as an entrepreneur, and we know in order to innovate and make a name for ourselves...We are required to make sacrifices and take calculated risks. Entrepreneurs are defined by three key words... risk, sacrifice and someone looking to create credibility.

The question is...are you willing to take all your sweat and blood...your resources...your time and money to create your innovative visions. Your success depends on these calculated risks (among others) and sacrifices. You have to put your whole big heart into it, every moment should be used for educating and expanding your mind to help yourself create a solid website and leave no doubt that you put your all into it.

Your drive...your desire...your will...your relevants...your purpose...your credibility. Turns diamonds into tiffanys, coffee into starbucks, drop outs into millionaires, dreams into visions.

You have to find your helping others which in the long-run, helps yourself obtain success in this cruel, relentless, heart breaking place called the Internet.

Now you have become relevant, as people all over the world are provided with information on the daily bases. There are college students right now, being educated for a job that doesn't even exist at this point in time... How do you stay on top of your customers minds? Becoming relevant would be the correct answer to this question.Thus, there is know room for room for laziness...and I guest there's no room to see that either.

If you noticed in search engines like yahoo or google. The top searches are usually people. Let me tell you a secret that you can keep with you for the rest of your life, "People who talk about, and think about people are unsuccessful. People who talk about, think about, and Test Ideas are the successful ones." Mike G.

Because we are all connected by a string by a God. Thus We have little or know control of our own actions. The thickness of our string depends on how relevant we are. Because we will strike ourselves down before we say the words, "I can't succeed" or "I won't succeed." Because we have control of our actions, It is in our nature to want to succeed!

The question I have for you today is...Are you relevant?

But tomorrow will you have the


Here's my other important observation for you. Now the two most popular trends you should capitalize on today is one, online social networking and home based business. Why? because between 2008-2010 web advertising is going to double... Now what does that mean for you we'll I'll put it simply...big boy money for you. How many of you like pie. Even better profitable pie...We'll did you know that Microsoft made an incredible...$240 million dollars for a get this...1.6 % Share with Facebook.

Bottles the mind doesn't it...

Think big...

There are millions and millions of people you have to compete with. All trying to accomplish the same goal you are... success. So how do you obtain your Success? We'll First you have to surround yourself with successful people...The quote, "Surround yourself with a millionaire, and you'll become one to" has a lot of truth to it. Because they know what it takes, because they've already did it.

To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente My Gift to YOU...Enjoy!
Email me at:

It's time for you to fabricate your own future, by paying a tail away pricing at the pump: For Our Future (Become Relevant Here!)

As Featured On Ezine Articles


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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


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In just under 46 minutes,
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This CD is not about some
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the internet, how to think about what you sell on the internet, and how to
best position yourself to be successful selling whatever it is you want to
sell on the net.

You'll want to follow
along and take notes as Mike G. reveals his P.I.R.T. formula for
guaranteed success on the net.



Email Address

We and Mike G promise to
never rent, sell, or
share your data with anyone. All information is held strictly
confidential and you may unsubscribe at any time.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Free, Easy, Effective ways of Viral Marketing Success!

Which Option is better...

My guess is that you've selected the first option...We'll I've got Shocking news for you...You'd be wrong! Why? Because the first option would give you a cool $75,000 in your Wallet at the close of that exciting month. Not bad right.
Unfortunately for you, you missed out on 5 million dollars by not selecting the second option! Why? Viral Marketing
Viral Marketing is sharing your Marketing Message to your Visitors. If the Visitor, or customer is satisfied with what you have to offer. On average, he or she will tell 3 other people. Then the three people he or she initially told will each tell three other people etcc.... You See were I'm getting at... In my option having one hundredth pennies is better then having 1 million dollars! I'm I crazy??? Know. But I understand that although 1 million is more then 100 pennies. 100 pennies are easier to spread and share with other. hah? We'll in order for your viral outbreak to occur, your marketing message must be easy to spread. And you have to already be placed in a trend before the trend is a trend. Try saying that backwards.
This is when your piggy Bank will be stuffed with cash!!! You writing this stuff down! Viral Marketing works because it involves a natural instinct of humans. Viral Marketing can have hundredths, even thousands more visitors to your web site Free of Charge My friend! This is POwERFul!!!

Just IMagine 100 or over 10,000 people basically promoting, and Marketing your business


This will eliminate, Ever purchasing advertisements or providing traffic to your website! Best of ALL, it's FREE! But in order to get to this point, you have to drive huge amounts of traffic to your website. Traffic is Key to accomplishing the above! Back Links to your website, is a excellent way to drive traffic to your website! Not Submitting your website to the search engines, or even purchasing advertisements on sites like Myspace or Youtube it's back links! How you create back links to your website is by joining as many Social Networking Sites as humanly possible! Then providing Useful information and content, using keywords hung around the marketing message of your website. Promote yourself first, then your business... Man I wish I new this when I first started out!
Aren't you glad you do now. (comment, at the end please!)
Now that All the hype, all the BUZZ about how great and glamorous your site is brought them their. But Your Website content, will indefinitely bind and keep them coming back for more.......

SO What have we Learned today???
Hint: Start Saving ever Penny you can....and treasure them ALL!
Hidden Secret...(The PENNIES are PEOPLE!)

Email me at:
Sudject line: Viral Outbreak_Blog$

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Email Marketing-How to Build your Opt-in List Training Video's


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Monday, May 12, 2008

How to Effectively Advertise

Advertising is perhaps the easiest marketing strategy to master! The Adverage person on the Daliy Bases Views about 5,000 Ads! That is a Huge Increase since the 1970's, were people intially viewed about 500 ads a day... So "YOUR" advertising is being seen, but you have to Find "YOUR" Niche or the type of customers that will be interested in your product or service. In which "YOU" yourself are Passionate about!
Advertising to a Targeted Audience is KEy in internet Marketing, or Small business for that Matter! "YOU" also Require the Most Advanced Tools and Resources in order to compete in the MarketPlace. At an Affordable, and reasonable Price. It is also Important for "YOUR" Success to get Involved in Social Networking Sites, Particularly one's that pay Commissions to "YOU" for referring others. AS they say it's Not What "YOU" know, but Who "YOU" get connected to the Global MarketPlace, and grab a hold of this Profitable Pie!
Because In order for YOU to Succeed online, you also require a Mentor Who can Show and Teach you how to create opportunites for "YOURSELF" thus $$$$$$$$
Let me Show "YOU" the Way to Success, Because I know "YOU" Want It. But How Bad, How Far...and HOW MUCh...are "YOU" willing to Put Forth for that Success!!! The Money is out there for "YOU" and I'm bring it right to "YOUR" Front Door FREE!
The Most Effective Adverting Site on the internet is CROC-ADS!
I LOve Croc-Ads...Who wouldn't after finding out that a member using there resources and connections, received over 40 Referrals in his Downline using CROC-ADS! for there business opportunity! Its "YOUR" turn now...
Advertse to a Targeted Audience by Choosing which Countries "YOU" want "YOUR" advertsing seen. CROC-Ads is FREE to Join, and I'm Very Excited for "YOU"...because You're going to Be a Success Story...I Know it, because With CROC-Ads "YOU" are Able to View Simple, and Fast Stats From "YOUR" Advertising Campaigns! Thus "YOUR" able to Recognize what is Working for "YOU" and What is Not for "YOUR" Advertsing! Stats are KEY to Advertising Successfully on the Internet, and "YOUR" getting it FREE! How Lucky are you. I Personally Referred about 1 person to my Downline!
I Also Received...GET This 10,000 Advertising CREDits into my Account. A 300$ Plus value FREE Just by investing a 33.00$ for A MEMbership to a Social Networking Site Called WOWzza Which is a Money maker in it self!
For a moment just imagine how Expansive YOUR Email List will Grow, with this Deadly Combination of Advertising and Social Networking "YOUR" Contact List Will Block Out the SUN!!! My Friend...
I'll See YOU the next World, as YOU Will be on another World!

To YOUR Success, Danard E. Vincente
P.S. Any Question, Leave a comment or Email me at
With the Subject Line: I LOve Croc-ADS#####BLOG!

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The Importance of Tracking your Advertisements!

Social Networking is the future of Online Business. Web 2.0 technology allows us to have a Voice and gives us the right to express ourselves. We can also Expand our businesses, and Brand our name. But if you plan on actually creating a income with Social Networking WebSites Like

You must bring a lot of Traffic to Your WebSite! By using Traffic Exchanges SafeLists Social Networking Sites and creating your own Articles The Idea behind this is to Create back links using free tactics, in which you are establishing yourself in someone elses WebSite. Then you have the ability to display relevant content, around your main WebSites theme. While Making sure to use those all so important KeyWords, that you want to Rank high in the TOp Search Engines!

What is also Important is to use the above websites Effectively. By establishing advertising campaigns, and expanding your network as well as branding your name in as many websites you can find!
Your Success depends on how Effective your Advertising is. But how do you know...and how do you find out what advertising method is working best for you. So you can repeat that same Successful method throughout ALL your Advertising! Now Some if not most websites provide Site Statistics. But they are limited, because they can only tell You How many click you had, and How many views. But they can't provide the most relevant Stat, which is Which Advertisement...Generated My SaleS!
This is Important! So How can you tell which advertising method, is working for you...ProTRackerPlus Will Transform Your Business, and make your business a Opt-In Frenzy!!!
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To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente
For Our Future!
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Monday, May 5, 2008

The POwER of Social NEtWorKing

I LOve the Concept of Social Networking, and Web 2.0 Web 2.0 Allows people like you in I, to Put Our own Personal touches to a Site.....With Web 2.0 Technology we now have a Voice!! Initially who ever created a particular site, arranged and established All that Sites Content and Features. Whatever that person did, We had know control over. We virtually had no say in what happened on a site we didn't create Ourselves...

Social Networking is Revolutionizing the Way we do Business on the WEB. I'm sure "YOU" heard this many Times by now! With Web 2.0 Technology, we have the ability to connect with each other and Expand our Business to obtain financial Security! We Can Share our visions, opinions, our Lives and express ourselves. And in some cases, this new technology pays us to do the above. Yes they actually share the ReVeNuE with the Community! that

Created IT

I want to share an InCredible Story about a young man by the name of James Buck. James Buck used a Social Blogging Site called "Twitter", to get out of Jail!

It ALL started when James Buck traveled to Mahala, Egypt with a translator to take photos of a Protest on April 10, 2008. This was the day before Buck planned to head back home from a 3 week assignment studying the Egyptian blogsphere. James Buck began using this new technology called "twitter" Twitter is a Social Blogging Site in which users can send out 140-characters Messages to there Twitter feed by email instant messaging or cell phone text messaging.

James Buck Sent out a SinGle Word MesSage from his cell phone to his Twitter feed: Arrest. Buck was Arrested when trying to Leave a protest in a taxi. He sent this single word message out to 10 other people and Twitter to, in which Buck instantly received replies and told them to call the Embassy. And with some help from Egyptian bloggers, who received James Bucks message. They then Alerted James Bucks University and the U.S. Embassy.....The next Day James Buck Walks out a FREE Man!!

James Buck said, "If I hadn't been able to get a message to the outside world instantly and to a wide network of people there's certainly a good chance I would still be there."

An amazing True Story on the Power of Social Networking! Is it in "YOU"...Is it...


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