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Your Goal...
Do you realize the people on your list are not necassarily considered your customer. Prospects is the best term of us to describe them, because they have to purchase a product or service from you in order for them to be label as so. Converting prospects to valued customers should be your goal.
What to do before Emailing your List
Brainstorm and think about what is it you want to accomplish before sending your prospects an email. Are you attempting to get them to sign up for something. Maybe you want them to tell a friend about your services... When emailing your list, explain who you are, what you want, why your prospects should care about this email, what is in it for them and finally what they should do now. An email resulting in prospects guessing is considered a failure. Answer those five important questions above, and your 75% there already.
How to Email and introduce your product to your Mailing List
Email your newsletter to your prospects at least once a month during your advertising campaign. Then twice a week email your prospects your recommended products or services, you can even provide incentive by issuing a coupon that will save them money on there purchase. Which can also be just an added bonus, while your product or service your providing them is free. There's know end to what you can create.
Common Mistakes to avoid
A common mistake perhaps you yourself did when you were my ages, you know the good old days. When emailing your prospects, you are saying there name to often. When creating your email, construct it as if you are the one who will be receiving the email. Write your emails from your prospects point of view, and get them to act now or else they will continue to delay...
What the Objective is when emailing your list, and How to write effective subject lines that are Enticing
Be mindful that the main objective of an email is to get your prospects to click on a link. Don't use subject lines that reveal any part of the content in your email message. The subject line should be believable, something like "Get a million dollars " or "Get your adwords ads seen, without paying." Even if it's true, your open and click through rate will suffer. Entice your prospects...inciting hype or telling your life story will get you trashed. Email marketing has grown 14.6% from 2002-2007, meaning people and companys are beginning to understand the marketing potential of email marketing.
The Return Profit of email marketing, and how to build traffic
Email marketing provides the best return profit, which on average every 1 dollar spent. You'll receive an amazing 57 dollars return profit, imagine the profit you'll gain just by investing 2 dollars, 3 dollars or even 15 dollars. Utilize your existing traffic, therefore you are aware of what tactics are driving your visitors, prospects or customers continued visits to your website and what strategies aren't. Repeat the successful process with your future traffic, and this normally will solve the 20 to 80 hits to your website.
How to increase your chances of being labeled as a spammer, and stop your emails from ending in the Prospects Bulk email.
Be mindful when capturing your prospects email, because there what we call spam bots, which search for single opt-in forms. Which they then proceed to sign up for your email newsletters, so when you send the spam bot an email you get caught into the spam bot.
When emails go out, any email that arrives at that spam trap address. Gets you caught into the spam filter. This is why I recommend using a double opt-in, which partially resolves being caught in the spam filters.
The Importance of sending your prospect relevant information
When a prospects opts-in, be sure to email them relevant information or your message is considered spam. For example, lets say prospect opts-in to receive your newsletters, but you email them about a product or service your selling this is considered spam. The prospect did not agree to receive this email, so into the bulk it goes and they delete the message.
How to increase Conversion rates, in your future marketing campaigns by using segments
When your selling products, or a service even. You want to use segments, which are gathered information on the activity of each of your prospects click stats for the product or service you're providing them with. Use this method to track your marketing campaign, kind of like the split testing concept. For example, did more of your prospects click link a, or link b. If link b, that product or service should be right at the top of your emails during your future marketing campaigns.
In doing so, you will increase your click through rate by 25%, and your open rate by 55%.
To Your Success, Danard E. Vincente
Email me at:
Marketing Consultant
1 comment:
Great info man! I especially enjoyed reading about which words to use and not use.
Although I did not like your blogs layout much, expect me to be coming by every so often!
: )
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